Review – Light Filters In: Poems by Caroline Kaufman



it’s okay if some things
are always out of reach.
if you could carry all the stars
in the palm of your hand,
they wouldn’t be
half as breathtaking.

With raw honesty and emotion, Light Filters In captures the varied, wondrous moments that define what it means to be human: giving up too much of yourself to someone else, not fitting in, endlessly Googling “how to be happy,” figuring out who you want to be. In this powerful collection of poems, Instagram sensation Caroline Kaufman reflects our own experiences back at us and makes us feel less alone, one exquisite and insightful piece at a time.


Rating: 💖💖💖💖💖

I was stunned at the raw and emotional parts of this poetry book. It is certainly for people who have experienced true grief and healing in life. With a reminder that everything gets better. Light Filters in is a book that will rip you apart and stitch you back together with its writing and beautiful poems on hope and healing at the end.


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